
Kohaku Nishimura

Utaite Desu!


A bored Math teacher, who got stressed out of life and got his hair turned from brown to grey-ish white (symbolizing the lost of passion and hope), turned Utaite because he's inspired by them and found a passion to confess (告白) [kokuhaku] what he feels to everyone through singing! 🎤Hi! I'm Kohaku, a self-taught audio engineer, vocalist, and simple animator. Nice to meet you!

Character Reference

Accessories: Commonly uses Violet Headphones, but goes with Black and White Variants as well. Also a minor detail on the hair, I wear some clippings if my hair gets in the way sometimes…Clothing: Goes with Blue long sleeves with a Yellow Tie, Pants (faded from black to gray) and Boots (Dark Brown). Only wears a white oversized T-Shirt and black shorts when just chilling at home. Tends to wear a lot of oversized clothing and just chill at home! Pajamas are a go-to as well. I can also wear any clothing that is given, as long as it’s cute and simple!


Commissions Closed Indefinitely

Vocal Samples

Here are some of my personal favorite covers that I did so far! If you are interested to invite me on duets and Chorus Battles in the future, please do check these out if I meet your expectations!

Chorus I am part with

Group NameRole(s)Entry
kevin 🧍Vocal / Hamony & Adlib GuidePromo | R1 | R2